Examining the changing nature of work in America today, the authors concentrate on statistical evidence of labor market trends and conditions, and identify issues and problems which will require public policy attention in the years ahead.
... Charles W. Mixter , April 27 , 1932 , Taussig Papers . 20. Taussig , " The ... Sumner H. Slichter , Feb. 24 , 1933 , Taussig Papers . 22. Edwin R. A. ... in author's possession . 29. " Recommendations of Twenty - four Economists ...
Richard Prime Boyden. ( Chicago 1953. ) Sumner Slichter , Union Policies and Industrial Management ( Washington 1941. ) Charles ... in author's possession . ) California Metal Trades Association , " Policy and Shop Rules 375.
Carter Godwin Woodson (1875-1950) was an African-American historian, author, journalist and the founder of Black History Month. He is considered the first to conduct a scholarly effort to popularize the value of Black History.