parallelepipeds from
... parallelepiped only those class q points are considered that do not fall within the boundaries of the maximum parallelepipeds already constructed . This ensures nonrep- etition of the maximum parallelepipeds constructed relative to one ...
parallelepipeds from
David Eugene Smith. Exercises . Parallelepipeds 1. Two rectangular parallelepipeds with congruent bases are to each other as their altitudes . In all such cases the words " the volumes of " are understood . 2. Two rectangular ...
parallelepipeds from
... parallelepipeds BH , and BK . The parallelepiped CM , having its solid angle at B , equal to the solid angle b , of the parallelepiped cm , and the sides about these angles being equal in both the parallelepipeds , they are equal and ...
parallelepipeds from
... parallelepipeds . Such pixels are of an unknown type . In the second extreme case the point lies inside just one of the parallelepipeds , and the corresponding pixel is therefore labelled as a member of the class represented by that ...
parallelepipeds from
... parallelepipeds at the end , a transverse series of longitudinal buoyant bars reinforcing the structure and supported by the inner walls of said parallelepipeds at the sides , a central passenger receiving inclosure at both faces ...
parallelepipeds from
... parallelepipeds II ; if B = U¿Ï ; and any two distinct parallelepipeds II , II , in the given list intersect in a common , possibly empty , face . U¿II¿ i The following facts are easy to see : ( i ) If B is paved by parallelepipeds any ...
parallelepipeds from
... parallelepipeds as desired . It remains only to show that they intersect each other in sets of dimension lower than k . Since these parallelepipeds are obtained by sweeping the ( k − 1 ) - parallelepipeds in half the boundary of S ...
parallelepipeds from
... parallelepipeds , prisms , cones , cylinders , & c . are in the reciprocal ratio of their bases and altitudes . Rectangular parallelepipeds , contained under the cor- responding lines of three ranks of proportionals , are themselves ...
parallelepipeds from
... parallelepipeds vi + B , Vi + 1 + parallelepipeds ( 9 ) , these ones corner , and by ( 13 ) , ( 14 ) , ( 15 ) 0 € 1 + B , ẞ a € vk + B. B ― ανκ - From ( 12 ) we even infer that 0 and ß a form corners of the last - mentioned parallelepipeds ...
parallelepipeds from
... parallelepiped in which it will be enclosed. The set of possible parallelepipeds that can enclose the steady-state flux space is chosen by forming the faces of the parallelepiped along the directions defined by these v i,min con ...