In this extraordinary book, the Andersons offer true stories about animals who all but prove the existence of miracles--and whose unconditional love has healed their human companions during their darkest hours.
Le Mensonge Universel comprend l'analyse du texte sumérien, son historique, l'adaptation littéraire, la table des correspondances, et bien-sûr la traduction de la tablette originale, réalisée par un grand spécialiste, le Pr. Attinger, ...
In The Magica great mystery from a sacred text is revealed, and with this knowledge Rhonda Byrne takes the reader on a life-changing journey for 28 days.
A Guide to Shadow Work uncovers how the light and darkness within you coexist and guides you in embracing your shadow self to understand your deepest emotions.
This startling collection of lectures by Rudolf Steiner, selected and introduced by the psychologist Michael Lipson, provides a truly unique way of approaching dreams, based on an understanding of the spiritual nature of human beings.