This book presents information and expert views from curriculum developers, teachers, and others, offering suggestions about major issues in biology education: what should we teach in biology and how should it be taught?
This monograph reports on South Africa's performance in TIMMS 2003 relative to 50 other countries; describes the performance of different groups of learners in South Africa; and provides contextual information about teachers, schools and ...
O livro é uma iniciativa da Regional 1 (R1) da Associação Brasileira de Ensino de Biologia. A obra reúne 54 trabalhos apresentados durante o V Encontro Regional de Ensino de Biologia da R1 (MT, MS e SP).
Su autora, la flamante doctora Rosalba Palacios-Díaz, desarrolló una labor sistemática y rigurosa partiendo de las nociones conceptuales del término transdigital, pero aplicó esas nociones en un ámbito específico: el modelo operativo ...
Two years ago, I started this book by explaining why the ancient Universe is red (or infrared), and how spiral galaxies counter centrifugal force from breaking them.
El libro Tecnología y contingencias reúne veintitrés textos que abordan de manera oportuna y, en varios casos de manera desafiante, los principales problemas que varios grupos de personas tuvieron en la contingencia sanitaria y qué ...
Este livro, Ciências na Escola, é um produto construído ao longo do desenvolvimento do Projeto de Pesquisa, “Elaborando sequências didáticas para o ensino de biologia por investigação na educação básica”, financiado pelo CNPq, ...
The contributors offer insightful perspectives and deep insights into the intricacies of the brain, making this book an informative and engaging read for anyone interested in the field of neuroscience.
International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (IJSTEM) is an open-access refereed journal focused recent developments relative to biomedical science, software applications development, modelling and systems ...