This book uses hitherto secret sources of the Inquisition and Index to reconstruct the history of Roman censorship in its first, formative years from the standpoint of Galileo's judge.
This richly documented study of copyright in sixteenth-century Venice and Rome provides valuable new information about the "privilegio" and the printers, engravers, painters, mapmakers, and others who used it to protect their commercial ...
The volume traces the link between vernacular translations and the emergence of Florence as the leader of Latin humanism by 1400 and why, limited to an elite in the fourteenth century, humanism became a major educational movement in the ...
"Illustrium Imagines" is a presentation of renaissance printed portrait books that very comprehensively and using interdisciplinary approach deals with specific visual and literary medium that is to become a model for later illustrated ...
Illustrium Imagines is a presentation of renaissance printed portrait books that very comprehensively and using interdisciplinary approach deals with specific visual and literary medium that is to become a model for later illustrated ...