This book is a seque1 to Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems: Concepts and Techniques, written by the same authors and published by Pitman Books in January 1983. * As a sequel, this book is intended to be considered and read as ...
This book makes an attempt to find a common ground for nonlinear dynamic analyses based on the existence of strongly nonlinear but quite simple counterparts to the linear models and tools.
The analytical approach, presented in a simple but rigorous way, gives the required tools for modeling novel practical situations. The English edition is based on the highly acclaimed Portuguese textbook.
This invaluable book provides a quick introduction to the rudiments of perturbative string theory and a detailed introduction to the more current topic of D-brane dynamics.
" This book brings together for the first time a set of seminal articles representing research from across these disciplines. It is an ideal sourcebook for the key research in this fast-growing field.
This book is an outgrowth of a 1996 NIPS workshop called Tricks of the Trade whose goal was to begin the process of gathering and documenting these tricks.
A basic grounding in statistics is assumed, making this book suitable for would-be users of S-Plus, as well as students and researchers using statistics.