Capitalism at the Crossroads: The Unlimited Business Opportunities in Solving the World's Most Difficult Problems [Book]
$12.92 ·
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Arrives Jan 27 – Feb 7
: Hardcover
: Non-fiction
: Business / Economics
: Stuart L. Hart
: Wharton School, hardback
Global capitalism stands at a crossroads - facing international terrorism, worldwide environmental change, and an accelerating backlash against globalization. Todays global companies are at a crossroads, too: finding new strategies for profitable growth has never been more challenging. Both sets of problems are intimately linked, says Stuart L. Hart - and so are the solutions. In Capitalism at the Crossroads, Hart shows companies how to identify sustainable products that can drive new growth as they also help solve todays most crucial social problems. Drawing on his experience consulting with top companies and NGOs worldwide, Hart shows how to integrate new technology to deliver profitable solutions that reduce poverty and protect the environment at the same time. Along the way, youll learn how to become truly indigenous to all your markets - and avoid the pitfalls of traditional greening and sustainability strategies. This book transcends yesterdays stale debates about globalization, pointing the way toward a capitalism thats more inclusive, more welcome, and far more successful. But great ideas arent enough. helping leaders re-ignite innovation, growth, and profitability in their own businesses, starting today. Beyond yesterdays sterile globalization battles. A revolutionary synthesis that makes global capitalism work for everyone. Catalyzing a revolution in sustainable development...and profiting from it. Why business is singularly equipped to lead the movement towards global sustainability. Build your bottom line by helping them build a better life Not just sustainability: becoming truly indigenous. Overcoming the limits of first-generation sustainability initiatives. Powerful case studies from more than 20 top companies worldwide. Making it work: from DuPont to Unilever, S.C. Johnson to Grameen Telecom Copyright Pearson Education.
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