: Business / Economics, Philosophy, Social Science
: Thomas T. Sekine
: Owl of Minerva Press, paperback
Book title: Towards a Critique of Bourgeois Economics, Contributor: John R Bell (Edited by), Genre: Business & Finance, Isbn-10: 3943334015, Item length: 140mm, Release date: 01/05/2018, Release year: 2018, Series: Studies in Social Science and Philosophy, Subtitle: Essays of Thomas T. Sekine, Title: Towards a Critique of Bourgeois Economics, Author: Thomas T Sekine, Format: Paperback, Item height: 216mm, Item weight: 340g, Item width: 140mm, Language: English, Number of pages: 292 Pages, Publication name: Towards a Critique of Bourgeois Economics: Essays of Thomas T. Sekine, Publication year: 2018, Publisher: OWL of Minerva Press, Subject: Economics, Type: Textbook