When Trouble Comes: Relying on God During Difficult Times [Book]
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Arrives Jan 24 – 27
: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Religion
: Christopher Jeffries, Christopher N Jeffries Phd
: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, paperback
When Troubles Come: Relying on God during Difficult Times asserts that trouble, distress, storms, affliction, suffering, persecution, difficulty, trials, and tribulation occur in the lives of everyone at one time or another. Trouble is the expression used to characterize any of these occurrences. The title of this work, 'when' trouble comes, not 'if' trouble comes, indicates that hardship and difficulty are associated with merely living. Trouble can occur immediately and without notice, or can be a slowly evolving situation. Trouble can involve an individual only, his family members, friends, community, or nation. Trouble affects both men and women and permeates every level of society from the super-rich to those living in poverty. Trouble impacts the lives of the faithful and unfaithful, educated and uneducated, and influences every nationality, racial, religious, cultural, and political group. Trouble can come in the form of personal, social, economic, physical, emotional, or psychological hardship. Trouble can result from the work of Satan and those he employs. It can occur as the consequence of the believer's own behavior and attitude or allowed by God to shape the faithful into the image of Christ. When Troubles Come: Relying on God during Difficult Times affirms that scripture provides believers with direction, encouragement, and strength to endure trials and tribulation. This work provides real-life examples of individuals (Job, Joseph, David, Christ, and Paul) who were victorious over the difficulties they encountered. These believers and others are to be studied, revered, and imitated. 15:4). When Troubles Come: Relying on God during Difficult Times presents biblically based reasons on why trouble occurs, what can be done to cope with difficulty, and how to overcome trials and tribulations. Scriptural support is provided throughout the book that will strengthen believers and provide hope during difficult times. God's word is sure and applicable to the daily lives of all believers. This book provides encouragement, support, and guidance to anyone dealing with any kind of trouble, in any area of life - family, work, church, school, community, state, nation, and world.
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